Saturday, November 10, 2007

Random. Blog 21

I was running late to class a few days ago so I didn't have time to really check the weather on my way out. I grabbed a light jacket and almost FROZE on my walk from south campus to the behavioral sciences building. It was interesting to see many students that were just like me - unaware of our abrupt weather changes in Chicago. I see a huge difference in the number of people who are out when it's cold, windy, rainy and dark as opposed to when it's at least sunny and dry out! When I am using public transportation, I see more panhandlers sleeping on the trains than when it's warmer out. The coffee shops line up with people as the ice cream shops empty out. It makes me believe that weather makes a huge economic difference in the city of Chicago. But hell, I go and grab hot soup or chocolate constantly when it's cold out.

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