Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Random Walking Blog 26

So as a side job I help an indie music magazine promote upcoming bands, movies, and certain products. I had received materials to go to random music stores, shoppes, and restaurants to distribute these stickers and posters. Today was a perfect day to go on what they call a field run. You see, I've been living in the city of Chicago for over three years. I take the Halsted bus (#8) from school to the N3200's and beyond. I am constantly on the EL or on different busses, and I thought I knew every part of the city inside and out. Boy was I wrong. I ended up around the clark and fullerton area and was trying to get back near halsted. I felt like such an idiot when I had to ask where halsted is and the man just told me a block east. It's funny because I walked for miles and miles and eventually just got lost. I thought everything there was had been seen already. Yet on today's walk I find more record shops and restaurants for me to enjoy. I passed near a crepe place actually... yum.

I love discovering new things in Chicago. It makes me like the city more and more!

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