Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chicago Metropolis 2020. Blog 20

Oh man, what a reading! The Chicago Metropolis talks about two different plans, the commercial club, and the metropolis plan. the metropolis plan is more ambitious and has broad plans to better the economic and social state of Chicago. To enhance these situations, they came up with three problems and solutions.

1) They need to foster better education and skill training. There is a great problem with taxes and for people to get adequate education with a lack of teachers.

2) They should consider reverse policies that encourage sprawl. Our region is dispersed and stratified. There is a problem with overcrowded schools and underfunded services.

3) They need to change the social conditions of communities. There are those who are too poor to afford housing, and zoning prevents affordable housing.

All three of these problems could be fixed if the city could work together as a community, and to increase the amount of jobs available with facilities and training.

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